
1. Beware of Buy Your House Companies

Reasons to List With Professional Real Estate Agent (This is the 1st of a series of 10 real life situations)

How One Woman Narrowly Avoided a Bad Deal With a “We Buy Ugly Houses” Franchise

Royanne McNair believed she had canceled her contract with a “We Buy Ugly Houses” franchise, so she pursued another offer on her house — this one for $100,000 more. Then an anonymous envelope froze the deal.

Ms McNair narrowly escaped losing out on $100,000 or more for the sale of her home.

Home owners are sometimes happy with the amount of money being offered for their homes that they just accept the offer. Signs such as “Sell your house quickly” and “No Showings” sound pretty good to someone wanting to sell.

Blindly accepting such an offer can cost a home owner tens of thousands of dollars in lost revenue.

Scammed Leaving Mortgage Unpaid

Ms McNair was fortunate. In other situations, a desperate seller calls the number on the sign and the person on the other end promises the seller a quick cash sale. The scammer convinces the homeowner to sign over the deed to the home early, promising a rapid mortgage payout. Once the deed is signed over, the scammer now has complete control of the property and can take possession. 

The scammer can now rent the property for pure profit while the victim is still on the hook for the mortgage payment and is out on the street. 

Comparable Market Analysis

A professional real estate agent can give the home owner an accurate potential sale price. Most often the realistic sale price is more than an outright cash offer from agencies such as these. Remember that Ms McNair nearly lost $100,000.

Because a home is typically someone’s largest asset, sellers will want to reap the greatest amount they can from their home. Professional real estate agents can help.

Our experienced real estate agents can tell you an accurate sale price for your home. Your biggest asset needs professional analysis of market value. You want to protect yourself and your investment. Call or text today!

Marilyn Tucker


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