
Category: Blog

5. Vacation Rental Scams

Reasons to List With A Professional Real Estate Agent (This is the 5th in a series of 10 real life situations) Getting A Vacation Rental?

3. Fake Sellers

Reasons to List With Professional Real Estate Agent (This is the 3rd in a series of 10 real life situations) He returned to his family’s

2. Protect From Wire Fraud

Reasons to List With Professional Real Estate Agent (This is the 2nd of a series of 10 real life situations) Wire fraud is real when

4. Unqualified Text Buyers

Reasons to List With Professional Real Estate Agent (This is the 4th of a series of 10 real life situations) My husband Mike has received

Interest Rate Options

High Mortgage Interest Rates A week ago last Friday mortgage interest rates reached 8%, the highest rate in 22 years. The federal government is raising

1. Beware of Buy Your House Companies

Reasons to List With Professional Real Estate Agent (This is the 1st of a series of 10 real life situations) “How One Woman Narrowly Avoided

5 Ways to Prepare Your Home for Selling

However you go about selling your home you already know that there is prep work involved. As your home is typically your biggest financial asset

Renovations for Best ROI

When you are considering remodeling or upgrading your home, it is helpful to know what projects will give you the best return on investment (ROI).

Why Zillow Zestimates Are Not Accurate

Ever Wonder About Zestimates? What is a Zestimate? Zillow has created estimates of nearly 100 million homes in the United States. Zillow named those estimates

Curb Appeal Sells Homes

How is your curb appeal? We all know that first impressions make a big difference to people in many ways and looking at a home,

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